Parker Dental & Orthodontics Blog

March 20, 2020

Before Having Your Tooth Extracted, Take a Moment to Read This!

woman with toothache needs emergency dentist in Mobile

Each of your teeth has a purpose. Thus, the last thing a dentist wants to do is perform an extraction. Although you may be experiencing severe pain and think that removing the problematic tooth can alleviate the problem, take a moment to read further. You’ll learn what the common causes of a toothache are and how an emergency dentist in Mobile can help to restore your oral health to normal!


February 27, 2020

Over the Counter Products You Can Take for a Toothache

woman frowning from toothache holding ice pack to face

A toothache can suddenly strike and leave you dealing with sharp pain. The most common cause of the problem is acute oral bacteria that, over time, have spread to the sensitive inner parts of the tooth. While the only way to fully recover from a toothache is to visit an emergency dentist in Mobile for treatment, there are some over the counter (OTC) products you can take to get some temporary relief from the discomfort. As you continue reading, you’ll find some helpful tips.


February 13, 2020

How a Dentist Can Provide Relief for a Painful Abscessed Tooth

older man bald head holding jaw from tooth pain

An abscessed tooth is a serious oral health condition that’s known for the intense pain it can cause. But that’s not the full extent of its problems. Thus, it’s important to seek immediate care in such situations from an emergency dentist in Mobile. As you read on, you’ll discover what causes an abscess to form, why it’s dangerous to ignore and how it can be treated.


January 12, 2020

Should Your Child Visit The Emergency Dentist For a Toothache?

child holding their mouth because they have a toothache

No matter how old you are, dental emergencies can be stressful and scary to handle. If your child is experiencing oral pain like a severe toothache, the first thing you should do is always contact your emergency dentist in Mobile. Even if the thought of going to the dentist makes your child anxious, it’s important to act quickly to save their smile. Plus, children’s dentists offer sedation techniques to help your little one feel comfortable and relaxed while they’re being treated. If your child has a toothache and you’re not sure what to do, read on for tips and tricks to help minimize their pain and prevent additional damage from occurring.


December 17, 2019

I Have a Cracked Tooth – Can an Emergency Dentist Repair It?

man holding icepack to jaw

A sudden blow to the face, attempting to bite into ice or some other foreign object, or taking a hard fall, can all lead to a cracked tooth. If you find yourself in this situation, then you have a definite dental emergency on your hands. Is there anything that can be done to fix the tooth and restore your oral health to normal? As you read further, an emergency dentist explains what your options are.


December 14, 2019

Have a Toothache? Try These 6 Home Remedies

woman with a toothache

Nothing ruins your day quite like a toothache. This often sudden, raging pain can make going about your daily life almost impossible. Eating, speaking, and even smiling can result in a jolt of pain shooting through your mouth. If you have a serious toothache like this, your first order of business should be to contact your dentist for treatment. In the meantime, here are six home remedies you can use.


November 9, 2019

Chipped Tooth? How You Can Tell if It’s an Emergency

a young girl holding her cheek in pain

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s likely that you or your child is enjoying some snacks that may not be the best for your teeth. Anything that is hard or crunchy can be problematic for your pearly whites, especially if it results in a chipped tooth. While dental emergencies are not a welcome occurrence, it’s best if you are prepared for when they occur. It’s also important to find ways to avoid these types of situations, if possible.


October 15, 2019

My Toothache Went Away – Do I Still Need to Visit a Dentist?

woman holding ice pack on jaw

Typically, a toothache is a sign of a serious infection in the sensitive inner parts of a tooth. When this happens, it should be considered a dental emergency that requires an immediate visit to the dentist. If, by chance, the pain subsides, does that mean that you’re out of danger and can go back to your “regularly-scheduled programming?” Read on to get the answer from an emergency dentist in West Mobile, AL.


October 13, 2019

Do Insurance Benefits Roll Over or Expire? Find Out Here

Page turning from 2019 to 2020

This New Year’s Eve, will you be toasting to health and happiness for the year ahead? Both will be better ensured if you take advantage of your dental insurance benefits now, before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. Once the calendar turns over, any remaining benefits – the benefits you’ve already paid for – will likely expire! Don’t want to let your benefits go to waste? Here are some key facts from a dentist in Mobile, AL on how dental insurance works.   


September 11, 2019

Do Fillings Need to be Replaced?

tooth-colored fillingsThe biggest threat to your oral health is tooth decay. Although cavities are preventable, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates at least 92% of adults have had at least one in a permanent tooth. If you’re among those who have had a cavity, a filling was probably used to treat it. This provides an effective and long-term solution to save your smile, but do fillings need to be replaced? Here’s what you need to know to ensure your tooth stays strong and healthy.


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