March 27, 2020

Dealing with Common Orthodontic Emergencies During the COVID-19 Crisis

teenage girl having braces placed by orthodontist in Mobile

America is locked into a battle with COVID-19, but if you’re currently undergoing orthodontic treatment, then it’s important to know how to respond if an emergency arises. Therefore, you can take the proper steps to control the problem until you can be treated by an orthodontist in Mobile. As you continue reading, you’ll learn what to do for some of the more common types of emergencies.


March 20, 2020

Before Having Your Tooth Extracted, Take a Moment to Read This!

woman with toothache needs emergency dentist in Mobile

Each of your teeth has a purpose. Thus, the last thing a dentist wants to do is perform an extraction. Although you may be experiencing severe pain and think that removing the problematic tooth can alleviate the problem, take a moment to read further. You’ll learn what the common causes of a toothache are and how an emergency dentist in Mobile can help to restore your oral health to normal!
