June 30, 2017

Is Wisdom Tooth Pain Ruining Your Summer? Visit Your Dentist!

Did you know your general dentist is as effective in extracting wisdom teeth as an oral surgeon?Summer is mostly about having fun and making memories with loved ones. One thing that can really ruin a summer break is excruciating mouth pain from wisdom teeth erupting. Why suffer from that discomfort and put yourself at risk of potentially developing health risks when you could explore the possibility of having them removed? Parker Dental & Orthodontics has the professionals and resources you need to comfortably eliminate the nagging dental pain your back teeth can cause.  Your general and family dentist can perform painless and ultimately helpful wisdom teeth extractions to benefit your overall health. If you’re thinking about it, you may have a few questions.

Why should I get my wisdom teeth removed?

Your third molars are your wisdom teeth. These are the last permanent teeth to break through into your smile. Although many say that you should remove your back teeth regardless to prevent bad dental hygiene habits and developed gum disease, some patients prefer to keep their natural teeth. Sometimes there are some complications that your dentist will strongly recommend removing your wisdom teeth for:

  • Your jaw may not be large enough and your wisdom teeth will become impacted (stuck underneath your gums).
  • Infections, damage to other teeth, or cysts may form from impacted teeth.
  • Your wisdom teeth may only partially come in and leave a flap of gum tissue that allows food and bacteria to infect your mouth.
  • Your wisdom teeth may come in at an awkward angle and cause your bite to change.

What’s it like to have my wisdom teeth extracted?

Removing a wisdom tooth is relatively simple. Your dentist will begin with:

  1. Numbing the area with a local anesthetic and possibly a general anesthetic (to numb the rest of the body) if several teeth are being removed.
  2. Access the molar by carefully opening the gum tissue.
  3. Remove the tooth in the safest, easiest way possible. Sometimes that means removing it in small bits to reduce bleeding and trauma to the area.
  4. Stitch closed the affected area and prescribe you the appropriate pain medication to assist in your recovery period.

How is the recovery period from oral surgery?

In most cases, the recovery period only lasts a few days. Parker Dental & Orthodontics wants you to have a quick, effective recovery timeframe. These helpful tips should have you feeling better in no time—especially if you’re taking your prescribed pain medication:

  • Keep fresh gauze and pads on the affected area, changing them out as they become too saturated in blood and saliva.
  • Use an ice pack on the side of your cheek every 15-20 minutes at a time for the first day to reduce swelling.
  • Eat soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing, but don’t use a straw for the first few days. The sucking notion can loosen the blood clot your body is forming to heal the area.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water, gently swishing it around your mouth to reduce swelling and clean your mouth.

Do you have constant mouth pain? Consider wisdom tooth extractions from us!

Our Parker Dental & Orthodontics office always takes the time to ensure the experiences you have with us is as smooth and comfortable as possible—that even applies to wisdom teeth extractions. If you’ve become concerned about your oral health since your wisdom teeth have been trying to develop, we encourage you to speak to your dentist about it. We would be happy to schedule you an appointment to meet with us.

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