October 31, 2017

Dentist on University Boulevard Talks Candy for Braces

halloween candy bucket Happy Halloween everyone! Not only is today dedicated to kids scouring as much candy as humanly possible in one night, but it’s also for welcoming other end of the year holidays that are waiting for us right around the corner.

All of us want to enter 2018 in good health—meaning overall and oral health. You should want to guide your children to good dental health as well. It starts now! Don’t let your little ones chop down too hard or on too many crunchy candies—especially if they have braces. Your dentist on University Boulevard is here to share why.

Got Braces? Don’t Eat This Halloween Candy

If your child has metal braces, try to avoid the following bad candies or risk seeing your orthodontist sooner than expected:

  • Caramel (and whole candy apples)
  • Taffy (or any chewy candies)
  • Bubblegum
  • Fruit roll-ups
  • Gummy Bears, Gummy Fish, Gummy Worms…or anything  “gummy”
  • Hard candies
  • Any candy containing nuts (and peanut brittle)

If you can’t manage to keep your child away from the sugary Halloween treats, try to have them eat softer candies like peanut butter cups or other soft chocolate melt-in-your-mouth treats…but not the ones with nuts!

What Can a Bad Candy Do to Your Child’s Braces?

Well, all sugar is already bad for your teeth. When sugar mixes with the bacteria in your mouth, it creates a dangerous acid that attacks the protective layers of your teeth. This can cause the enamel to erode on your teeth, leading to other more severe oral health issues.

Imagine what your child’s teeth must endure with braces. It’s already hard enough for your child to effectively brush and floss around their metal brackets and wires. Can you picture all the lingering sugar around their orthodontic treatment? This is not only bad for their oral health, but after they get their braces taken off they can have discolored spots left permanently on their teeth.

How Can You Help Keep Your Child’s Braces Clean?

It’s pertinent to the success of your child’s orthodontic treatment to keep their braces thoroughly cleaned. Make sure that they’re brushing their teeth, flossing, and swishing with mouthwash to remove bad dental bacteria regularly.

If you notice that they’re having  a difficult time doing so, try helping them by purchasing interdental brushes or a water pik to make flossing easier. It’s also recommended to schedule more frequent dental visits if they aren’t cleaning their teeth properly. Not only will your dentist be able to help them  learn about their dental routine, but they’ll have their teeth professionally cleaned.

About Our Office

If you need help maintaining your child’s orthodontic treatment, especially when holidays come around, look no further than Parker Dental & Orthodontics. Our office specializes in helping guide patient’s smiles into their correct places and maintain them. If you would like to speak to one of our professionals, feel free to call out office! We would be more than happy to help.

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