October 31, 2017

Dentist on University Boulevard Talks Candy for Braces

halloween candy bucket Happy Halloween everyone! Not only is today dedicated to kids scouring as much candy as humanly possible in one night, but it’s also for welcoming other end of the year holidays that are waiting for us right around the corner.

All of us want to enter 2018 in good health—meaning overall and oral health. You should want to guide your children to good dental health as well. It starts now! Don’t let your little ones chop down too hard or on too many crunchy candies—especially if they have braces. Your dentist on University Boulevard is here to share why.


October 1, 2017

Bring Your Child In To See a Dentist in West Mobile Soon!

family smiling happy The way that a child’s teeth develops will have a direct impact on the way that their adult teeth erupt and become permanently placed. That’s why many dentists recommend that children undergo orthodontic therapy.

Even if you think your child may not have orthodontic issues, they should have their mouths evaluated by an orthodontist by the time they’re 7 years old. Your dentist in West Mobile is here to help parents understand when orthodontic therapy may be needed and how it can help their child’s mouth in the future.
