October 20, 2018

A Simple Guide to Finding the Right Family Dentist in Mobile

family of four hugging and smilingAs the leader of your family, you have the mighty task of making sure everyone receives the care they need to remain well. One of the important areas left to you to manage is oral health. Because you have family members of varying ages, you need a professional who can provide a unique brand of care that is versatile, but how do you go about identifying him or her? Learn how to find the right family dentist in Mobile as you continue reading!


October 8, 2018

Are You in Need of Emergency Dentistry? Here’s How to Tell

man holding jaw in painYou have a painful toothache that has derailed your plans to watch the Crimson Tide play at home. Your main concern is how to get some relief, and you’re also wondering, “Is this a dental emergency?” As you continue reading, a local dentist explains when you need emergency dentistry and the different levels of severity of dental trauma.
