June 27, 2018

Dentist in Mobile Can Help You Recover from Periodontal Disease

woman with swollen gumThe health of your teeth and gums is important to you. Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, your dentist in Mobile has just informed you that you have periodontal disease, known as gum disease. The infection develops in the gum tissue due to bacteria that grows in plaque and tartar accumulations. Now, research shows that it not only leads to tooth loss, but it can also cause several significant health issues, like cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Although the complications from gum disease can be severe, you can recover from it with a customized treatment plan.

Complications from Gum Disease

Throughout the day, a sticky slimy film will develop on your teeth, which is known as plaque. When it is not removed by brushing and flossing, it hardens, turning it into tartar. The bacteria in it causes the gums to become infected. It creates certain toxins that will destroy the gums and bones that surround the teeth. Over time, this can cause your teeth to fall out.

The bacteria can also enter your bloodstream. As it circulates throughout your body, it can lead to several health issues, like heart disease, respiratory infections, and Alzheimer’s disease. To prevent the complications associated with the infection, a proactive treatment plan is necessary.

Recovering from Gum Disease

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 50% of adults have a form of the infection. The earliest stage is known as gingivitis. It causes the gums to become red, swollen, and bleed. At this point, a deep cleaning and an improve oral hygiene routine will resolve the issue without causing any long-term damage.

If it is not treated, it will progress to periodontitis, which occurs when the supporting bone and fibers that connect to the teeth are permanently damaged. A deep cleaning, laser treatments, and antibiotics are often used to treat the infected tissue. In some cases, gum grafting may be needed if the gum line has receded.

Advanced periodontitis will develop if you did not receive the appropriate treatment. Now, the bone and fibers have become destroyed, causing your teeth to become loose. They may even fall out. You will need an aggressive treatment plan to stop the infection while also repairing the damage that has occurred. You may even need to have teeth removed and replaced with prosthetics.

Preventing Gum Disease

Gum disease can easily be prevented by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every night before going to bed. Do not forget to visit your dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup. If you develop any signs of the infection, call your dentist right away.

About Parker Dental & Orthodontics

Parker Dental & Orthodontics is committed to providing our patients with advanced dental care. We offer complete services under one roof, even for those who have complex needs, like periodontal therapy. If you have the infection, contact our office right away. We will create the customized treatment plan that you need to restore your oral health.

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